20170612学术报告-致密油藏地质力学耦合流动模拟(Geomechanics Coupled Flow Simulation for Tight Oil Reservoirs) 发布日期:2017年06月09日 供稿: 编辑:hgyzyw 审核: 点击:[]
报告题目:“致密油藏地质力学耦合流动模拟(Geomechanics Coupled Flow Simulation for Tight Oil Reservoirs) 报 告 人:吴玉树 教授 时 间:2017年6月12日(周一)下午14:30-16:00 地 点:国家重点实验室A403学术报告厅 报告人单位:美国科罗拉多矿业大学(Colorado School of Mines) 欢迎全校师生参加! 讲座内容:Tight oil reservoirs have been receiving great attentions due to their large reserves and contributions to total oil production. However, fluid flow behavior in tight oil reservoirs is not still well studied or understood. Specific characteristics of tight oil reservoirs, such as nano-pore scale and strong stress-dependency, result in the complex subsurface fluid flow behaviors. The recent field observations and laboratory experiments indicate that effects of pore confinement and rock compaction have non-negligible impacts on the production performance of tight oil reservoirs. On the other hand, there are many approximations or limitations to model tight oil reservoirs under effects of pore confinement and rock compaction with current reservoir simulation techniques. In this talk, we discuss a compositional flow model, coupled with geomechanics with capabilities to describe complex fluid flow behavior in multiphase multi-component tight oil reservoirs. In the model, the pore confinement effect is represented by the effect of capillary pressure on vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) and modeled with the VLE calculation method. The fully coupled flow-geomechanical model is developed from the linear elastic theory for the poro-elastic system. The rock compaction is then correlated with stress-dependent rock properties, especially, stress-dependent permeability. The numerical studies demonstrate the effect of capillary pressure on VLE, and further on production performance in addition to the effect of rock deformation from substantial decrease in reservoir pore pressure or large increase in effective stress. The reduction of pore radius due to geomechanical effect could increase the capillary pressure, which enlarges the influence of capillarity on VLE and further suppresses bubble point pressure, influencing multiphase fluid flow as well as effective stress through the flow-stress coupling process. 吴玉树,美国科罗拉多矿业大学(CSM)教授、石油工程系主任、CMG油藏模拟首席、美国地质协会会员。吴教授在国内东北石油大学、西南石油大学先后获得学士和硕士学位,后在加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校获取硕士和博士学位。 吴教授在科罗拉多矿业大学主要从事油藏工程教学科研、研究生培养工作,研究领域主要包括油藏工程、多相流体和热流量、地质力学、非常规油气成藏动力学、CO2埋存、提高采收率(EOR)、地热工程和油藏数值模拟。 吴教授的研究方向主要有:(1)非常规油气藏流体动力学;(2)耦合过程的多相流场和热力学、化学运输的孔隙和裂隙介质;(3)CO2封存与提高采收率应用;(4)低温压裂技术;(5)先进的油藏数值模拟技术。此前,他在美国劳伦斯-伯克利国家实验室工作了14年(1995-2008年)。在他的职业生涯中,他撰写或合著了120篇期刊论文、17本专著及62篇SPE论文。 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室 石油与天然气工程学院西南石油大学科研处 2017年6月9日
上一条:20170614学术报告-Nanocellulose: an emerging material that has a great future 下一条:20170612油气精英大讲堂-美国高等教育与石油工业的未来(US Higher Education and the Future of Petroleum Industry) 【关闭】 |